A l'escola Drassanes ja han après a dibuixar Warli, han practicat molt i
els dibuixos els han quedat genial.
dimarts, 22 de gener del 2019
Taller Warli
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Drassanes
Rajkiya Balika Uchh Beawar
dilluns, 21 de gener del 2019
Taller de Jocs Tradicionals
Quin matí més divertit han passat a l'escola Llacuna!
Han fet Skype amb l'escola PWS Jaipur. I després han gaudit jugant als jocs tradicionals de la Índia.
Han fet Skype amb l'escola PWS Jaipur. I després han gaudit jugant als jocs tradicionals de la Índia.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Llacuna del Poblenou
Podar World School Jaipur
dimecres, 16 de gener del 2019
Taller de matemàtiques vèdiques
Els alumnes de l'escola Nabí han gaudit fent el taller de matemàtiques vèdiques en el que han après molt i s'ho han pasat genial.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Nabí
Podar World School Nagpur
dimarts, 8 de gener del 2019
Carta de presentació Podar World School Ankleshwar
Des d'Ankleshwar, els nois i noies de la Podar World School ens han fet arribar una foto de grup i una guia dels llocs més bonics per visitar la seva ciutat.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer
Podar World School Ankleshwar
Carta de presentació Podar World School Nagpur
Des de Nagpur, el grup de nois i noies de la Podar World School, ens han enviat la seva carta de presentació i una foto de grup que podeu veure a continuació:
Student’s Letter
On behalf of entire Podar World School, Nagpur family we the students of grade VII would like to extend warm regards to respected teachers and positive vibes to dear friends.
It’s a great pleasure for us that our school is part of the “Together “programme. Here we will mutually exchange our ideas, thoughts and cultural values through stories. This event will give us an opportunity to share a common platform of “iconoclastic thoughts”.
We the students of Podar World School, Nagpur are full of imaginative ideas and enthusiasm. We treat each and every one as a unique human being and respect different cultures and learning to serve the society and country with sincere patriotism. We are getting education through tab technology. In our school, we participate in various types of social activities like Joy of Giving Week, Festive Celebrations, Inter School competitions like “SciPoTech” and various competitive exams/Olympiads. It’s a great opportunity that this year our school has introduced French as one of the third language.
We are excited for this upcoming project and will be delighted to share our views and thoughts with our fellow friends from Barcelona Spain.
We are thankful to our Chairman Sir, Principal Sir and Management for providing this informative opportunity where we would be benefited while interacting with partner school.
Yours truly,
Students of Grade VII
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Nabí
Podar World School Nagpur
Carta de Presentació Rajkiya Balika Uchh Beawar
Les noies de la classe 7 de l'escola Rajkiya Balika Uchh Beawar ens han enviat una carta de presentació amb alguns dibuixos fets per elles mateixes. Us animem a llegir-la! Estan molt contentes d'iniciar aquest intercanvi cultural.
Ciutat de Beawar
Hola amics i amigues,
Som del Rajasthan un estat de l’India, del 33 districtes que té Rajasthan un n’és Ajmer i dins d’aquest districte hi ha una ciutat que es diu Beawar.
La ciutat de Beawar té molta importància, històrica i religiosa. Convivim gent de totes les religions i castes. De la religió hindú és de la que hi ha més gent.
Se celebren totes les festes com Holi, Diwali i Nadal amb molt d'entusiasme. La ciutat de Beawar és famosa per moltes coses com la fira de sant ‘Teja ji’, la fira de colors anomenada ‘Badshah’ durant la festa de Holi i un dolç anomenat ‘Tilpatti’- fet amb sèsam.
A la ciutat tenim moltes escoles, privades, religioses i del govern. La nostra escola és una escola governamental i som estudiants de l'escola governamental de les noies de la ciutat de Beawar de la classe 7. Aquesta escola es va fundar el 1959.
Nosaltres tenim l'oportunitat de tenir contacte amb tots vosaltres a través del projecte Junts-Together. Aquest és un projecte molt interessant i aclaridor. Amb aquest projecte tenim ocasió de parlar amb tots vosaltres i conèixer a nivell internacional el vostre art i cultura. Al mateix temps tenim ocasió de fer un estudi comparatiu dels estudis i escoles dels dos països. A través de la creativitat dels estudiants tindrem ocasió de tenir més informació i esperem, que amb aquest projecte, tots i totes tinguem molts beneficis.
Ciutat de Beawar
Hola amics i amigues,
Som del Rajasthan un estat de l’India, del 33 districtes que té Rajasthan un n’és Ajmer i dins d’aquest districte hi ha una ciutat que es diu Beawar.
La ciutat de Beawar té molta importància, històrica i religiosa. Convivim gent de totes les religions i castes. De la religió hindú és de la que hi ha més gent.
Se celebren totes les festes com Holi, Diwali i Nadal amb molt d'entusiasme. La ciutat de Beawar és famosa per moltes coses com la fira de sant ‘Teja ji’, la fira de colors anomenada ‘Badshah’ durant la festa de Holi i un dolç anomenat ‘Tilpatti’- fet amb sèsam.
A la ciutat tenim moltes escoles, privades, religioses i del govern. La nostra escola és una escola governamental i som estudiants de l'escola governamental de les noies de la ciutat de Beawar de la classe 7. Aquesta escola es va fundar el 1959.
Nosaltres tenim l'oportunitat de tenir contacte amb tots vosaltres a través del projecte Junts-Together. Aquest és un projecte molt interessant i aclaridor. Amb aquest projecte tenim ocasió de parlar amb tots vosaltres i conèixer a nivell internacional el vostre art i cultura. Al mateix temps tenim ocasió de fer un estudi comparatiu dels estudis i escoles dels dos països. A través de la creativitat dels estudiants tindrem ocasió de tenir més informació i esperem, que amb aquest projecte, tots i totes tinguem molts beneficis.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Drassanes
Rajkiya Balika Uchh Beawar
dilluns, 7 de gener del 2019
Carta de presentació Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School Sakatpura
Les noies de l'escola de l'escola de secundària de Sakatpura ens fan arribar la seva carta de presentació i una foto del grup que participarà en el projecte. Tenen moltes ganes de conèixer els noies i les noies de l'escola Antaviana, així com la nostra ciutat i la nostra cultura!!!
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Group photo, Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, Sakatpura |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Antaviana
Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School Sakatpura
divendres, 4 de gener del 2019
Carta de presentació Jivana School
Els nois i noies de l'escola Rajkiya Adarsh Jivana ens han enviat una preciosa carta de presentació amb dibuixos que han fet, i tenen moltes ganes de conèixer els seus nous amics i companys de l'escola dels Encants.
Foto de grup dels nois i noies de Rajkiya Adarsh Jivana School. |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola dels Encants
Rajkiya Adarsh Jivana School
Carta de presentació Podar World School Jaipur
Students of Class VII
Podar World School
Llacuna del Poblenou School
Subject- Official Presentation of Podar world School
Respected Sir/Ma’am
Llacuna del Poblenou School
Subject- Official Presentation of Podar world School
Respected Sir/Ma’am
We are delighted to be a part of School Exchange Programme. It’s a wonderful experience that we are sharing with our friends and teachers. It is indeed a good opportunity which we have got only because of our Honorable Chairman Sir Mr. Raghav Podar. The words are unlimited to depict our school in a small space but we make sure that we will be able to explain our feelings about our school.
Our school is Podar World School located at Chordia City, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ajmer Road, Jaipur where we serve the unique intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of students as they blossom into the future of our nation. The school is facilitated with digital learning gadgets, A.C rooms, dynamic Principal, multitalented teachers and efficient staff members.
We have facility of dance, music, sports and hobby classes with eminent and expertise of Karate, instrumental training and Skating.
We have teaching in classroom with tablets which includes different learning apps and games. We have a basket ball team of our school. Our school has focused on its safety which is our priority and prime concern.We organizes safety Mock Drills on earthquakes, fire etc. We have a streamlined safety policies of class pass for facilities, temperature and bag weight for the benefit of the students. To enrich vocabulary, build stamina and fitness we have free play Grey Cell Zone.
We are proud that we are a PWS which is in the beautiful city Jaipur. Jaipur is a capital city of Rajasthan in India. Jaipur is a world heritage city also known as Pink City. We have big monuments, beautiful gardens and palaces of Queens and Kings. Our city is clean and green and following a special drive of cleanliness where our city administration cleans garbage through door to door services. Our city has received Cleanliness award and appreciated. Our city is rich in culture and traditions. People are artistically skilled, warm and celebrate festivals like Diwali, Holi, Rakshabandhan, Teej, Makar Sakratri .
Our city is well known for the gems and jewels. Here we have many markets where one can find specially designed bangles and Chudis. Jaipur is known as Shopping paradise in our country. The famous patterns of Lehraiya, Bandej are easily available in the market. It is also a famous tourist spot in our country. Jaipur was ranked the 7th best place to visit in Asia. According to TripAdvisor's 2015 Traveller's Choice Awards for Destination, Jaipur ranked 1st among the Indian destinations for the year.
Traditional food of Jaipur includes typical dishes like Dal Baati Churma, Missi Roti, Gatte ki Sabzi, Ker Sangri, Makke ki Ghat, Bajre ki Ghat and Bajre ki Roti. Jaipur is also known for its sweets which include Ghevar, Feeni, Mawa Kachori, Gajak, meethi thuli, Chauguni ke laddu, and Moong Thal.
The main language of Jaipur is Rajasthani. Dhundhari, Marwari, Hindi and English are also spoken in the city.
We the students of Podar World School are very fortunate that we are the part of this cultural and educational exchange program through story writing. When we came to know that our class is selected for this program we read many story books and also listened stories from our elders than finally we decided that we will create an original story. We worked for weeks to make our story and we realized that how vast is our city history and culture with so many folk stories, painting arts and dances.
We hoped that glimpse of our school and our city through this letter and PowerPoint presentation will fulfill the present requirements. We are looking forward with enthusiasm for participating in Folklore.
Our school is Podar World School located at Chordia City, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ajmer Road, Jaipur where we serve the unique intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of students as they blossom into the future of our nation. The school is facilitated with digital learning gadgets, A.C rooms, dynamic Principal, multitalented teachers and efficient staff members.
We have facility of dance, music, sports and hobby classes with eminent and expertise of Karate, instrumental training and Skating.
We have teaching in classroom with tablets which includes different learning apps and games. We have a basket ball team of our school. Our school has focused on its safety which is our priority and prime concern.We organizes safety Mock Drills on earthquakes, fire etc. We have a streamlined safety policies of class pass for facilities, temperature and bag weight for the benefit of the students. To enrich vocabulary, build stamina and fitness we have free play Grey Cell Zone.
We are proud that we are a PWS which is in the beautiful city Jaipur. Jaipur is a capital city of Rajasthan in India. Jaipur is a world heritage city also known as Pink City. We have big monuments, beautiful gardens and palaces of Queens and Kings. Our city is clean and green and following a special drive of cleanliness where our city administration cleans garbage through door to door services. Our city has received Cleanliness award and appreciated. Our city is rich in culture and traditions. People are artistically skilled, warm and celebrate festivals like Diwali, Holi, Rakshabandhan, Teej, Makar Sakratri .
Our city is well known for the gems and jewels. Here we have many markets where one can find specially designed bangles and Chudis. Jaipur is known as Shopping paradise in our country. The famous patterns of Lehraiya, Bandej are easily available in the market. It is also a famous tourist spot in our country. Jaipur was ranked the 7th best place to visit in Asia. According to TripAdvisor's 2015 Traveller's Choice Awards for Destination, Jaipur ranked 1st among the Indian destinations for the year.
Traditional food of Jaipur includes typical dishes like Dal Baati Churma, Missi Roti, Gatte ki Sabzi, Ker Sangri, Makke ki Ghat, Bajre ki Ghat and Bajre ki Roti. Jaipur is also known for its sweets which include Ghevar, Feeni, Mawa Kachori, Gajak, meethi thuli, Chauguni ke laddu, and Moong Thal.
The main language of Jaipur is Rajasthani. Dhundhari, Marwari, Hindi and English are also spoken in the city.
We the students of Podar World School are very fortunate that we are the part of this cultural and educational exchange program through story writing. When we came to know that our class is selected for this program we read many story books and also listened stories from our elders than finally we decided that we will create an original story. We worked for weeks to make our story and we realized that how vast is our city history and culture with so many folk stories, painting arts and dances.
We hoped that glimpse of our school and our city through this letter and PowerPoint presentation will fulfill the present requirements. We are looking forward with enthusiasm for participating in Folklore.
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Class 7 Group photo Podar World School, Jaipur. |
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Dibuixa'm un conte 2018-19
Escola Llacuna del Poblenou
Podar World School Jaipur
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